Peace in Our Time?
…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
Peace, is there anything more desired yet so seemingly difficult to apprehend? It seems it can be broken with a single word, or even sometimes even a look. But did we really lose it. We cannot lose what we don’t have. Peace, real peace, only comes through Jesus Christ, all else is only an illusion.
True peace is beyond our comprehension according to St. Paul. That’s because it is of the very nature of God. Jesus told his disciples in John 14:27 he was giving them His peace; He was leaving it with them. He also told them it was not the kind of peace this world gives. This world thinks of peace as the cessation of hostility, when actually it is an inner state of being made possible by the love of God poured out in our hearts by power of the resurrection.
To love those the world hates, because we see them as children of God, as brothers and sisters, only comes from true inner peace. Mother Theresa said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” You see, Jesus teaches us that we are all brothers and sisters, children of the same Father, from the same earthly ancestors. Until we realize this in our soul real peace will always elude us.
Do you sense real peace in your soul as a gift from Christ and His Spirit? The gift comes from being connected to God in prayer as Paul says in verse 6. Prayer is the conduit of God’s peace. Thus we must pray about everything. Won’t you pray about whatever is robbing you of peace today?
Peace only comes from Jesus Christ, all else is only a facade. He longs to give it to us, and when we receive it, He becomes the guardian of our hearts and minds, but we must leave all our burdens, all our anxiety with Him. Then, the power of His resurrection will enable us to live at peace with our brothers and sisters. Yes, there can be peace in our time.
Peace is possible, if we remember Christ is risen…and so are we!
Grace & Peace,
+Pastor Brad
God of all peace, I surrender to you all my worries, cares and concerns; all my striving to fix the wrongs of this life. Help me by your grace to see your peace in my soul, that I may love others as you love me. Amen. Alleluia!