No Worries Mate
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
Philippians 4:6
Everyone gets anxious now and then right? Getting anxious can be a good thing, like awaiting the birth of your new baby and your so excited it could be considered anxiousness. But when our anxiousness impedes our ability to live daily lives in peace or keeps us from doing things for fear of something, anxiety becomes a real problem.
Anxiety shouldn’t be confused with fear. Fear is a feeling of dread from a real threat. Anxiety however, is a fear of something we perceive may happen but is not necessarily real. Anxiety can quickly lead to unhealthy complications; it can even manifest itself in physical symptoms. Statistics tell us anxiety disorders affect over 40 million people in the U.S. and account for 1/3 of all medical costs. It seems to me we’re desperate for this message of being anxious for nothing.
St. Paul is repeating Jesus’ teachings from His Sermon on the Mount when He said “…do not worry about your life”. Worrying robs us of the joy of today over something that either isn’t real or we have no control over. So why worry? Why be anxious? Whenever I ask that question from someone who is trapped in a cycle of worry the answer is usually, “because I’m human”. But that’s not a good reason. God’s resurrection power can deliver us from the worries of our humanity.
What we’re really doing when we worry is not trusting. If we really believe God loves us and cares about our lives (Yes, He does), then we should trust him with the details we get so anxious about. Worry will not bring solutions to our problems, but prayer can. Paul encourages us to pray about everything. A strong prayer life that brings our daily needs to the Father, and that remembers to be thankful for the blessings we’ve already received is the best medicine for a worrying personality.
What are you worrying about? The stats tell me that several people reading this today are suffering from anxiety. Spend some time in prayer just talking to your Heavenly Father about the things that are weighing you down. He cares, and He has a plan for you. His resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead, can raise you from all your worries and keep you through any problem. So, no worries mate! And remember, Christ is risen…and so are you!
Grace & Peace,
+Pastor Brad
Heavenly Father, help me to trust in your love for me and your plan for my life. I know you are too good to do wrong and too wise to make a mistake. Help me to turn my worries into prayer.Amen. Alleluia!