I Am A Miracle!
Further thoughts on Luke 8…
Friday is my favorite day. I’m off work on Fridays, usually (that is if a pastor is ever really off work). When it comes to the end of a hard week, I really need to be reminded that Jesus is here to heal me, just as much as He was that day back when He healed the woman with the issue of blood. Sometimes, I think we believe Jesus was more likely to heal someone back then than He is now. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Jesus is still in the miracle business as much as ever, perhaps even more. I recently listened to some testimonies of a Christian tribal leader in Africa where they regularly see miracles. In fact, he said they even see resurrections. That’s right, I said resurrections. The man said they are surprised when there is only one resurrection in a month; there are usually three or four.
Do we, in our 21st century modern context, where we can put a man on the moon and cure many diseases, think miraculous healings are even possible? I wonder. When Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and minister, He told them to go and heal the sick, and even raise the dead (Matt. 10:8). There are two records where his Apostles, Peter and Paul did just that by raising Dorcas (Acts 9) and Eutyches (Acts 20) from the dead. Ancient Christian history is filled with many other such miracles.
But what about today? Do we live and minister in the church like we believe this is still possible? Perhaps such lack of faith is precisely why so many churches seem to be living below the power of the early church. I don’t know about you, but I believe God still does miracles. In fact, He never stopped.
We began this week looking at Luke 8 and two miraculous stories, one was Jesus’ raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead. As I come to the end of the week, I know I believe Jesus still does miracles – because I am one. My life is nothing short of miraculous when I look back on all Jesus has done for me, and what He has kept from me. Today, after a long hard week, rather than feel sorry for myself and how hard a week I have had, I realize I don’t really need a miracle to rescue me from a tough week; that’s life. What I do need is to be thankful for His grace given to me to handle the many ups and downs of each day. I really need to spend some time thanking Jesus for all he has done for me.
What about you? What kind of week have you had? Perhaps you really do need a miracle to rescue you. If so, ask and believe; don’t doubt. My pastor, Brent Van Hook has a benediction prayer he often prays in services. The last line of the prayer says something like this, “Pray not for easy lives, but for strength equal to your task…so that you will become the miracle.”
I pray that through all the ups and downs you have probably encountered this week you can look at your life and say… “Thank you Jesus. I am a miracle!”
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Brad
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
Matthew 5:6
Image credit:http://pleaseconvinceme.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/miracles.jpg